Shane Bohannon is an executive salesman that has an impressive history of posting great sales. He has shattered sales goals with his powerful approaches and intuitive strategies. If you want to be like Shane and bring in the big numbers, there are a few things that you need to know first. One very important aspect of sales is that you cannot be easily deterred or discouraged. Many new salesman think that the first time a new contact blows them off or says they are busy, that means they are not interested in the product or service you offer. While this may sometimes be the case, it is hardly always the reason. Sometimes the contact is just genuinely busy.
Touching base with a new contact and getting them to meet with you to talk about your product or service is the most difficult part of any sale. This gets especially difficult if you are trying to meet up with a corporate honcho who has deep pockets. They are often very busy and will take multiple contact attempts to get a meeting. A lot of sellers give up on a contact after talking to the person 3-5 times. Unfortunately, it takes about 7-10 times of contact before some customers will finally set up that appointment. This means that the most persistent salesman reigns supreme. Also, don’t be afraid to use multiple formants for contact like mail, email, voicemail, or instant messenger.
Shane Bohannon is a professional salesman that has helped many professionals increase their sales numbers.
Touching base with a new contact and getting them to meet with you to talk about your product or service is the most difficult part of any sale. This gets especially difficult if you are trying to meet up with a corporate honcho who has deep pockets. They are often very busy and will take multiple contact attempts to get a meeting. A lot of sellers give up on a contact after talking to the person 3-5 times. Unfortunately, it takes about 7-10 times of contact before some customers will finally set up that appointment. This means that the most persistent salesman reigns supreme. Also, don’t be afraid to use multiple formants for contact like mail, email, voicemail, or instant messenger.
Shane Bohannon is a professional salesman that has helped many professionals increase their sales numbers.