Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Shane Bohannon - Help Where You Can

According to CharityNavigator.org, Americans donated $358.38 billion in the year of 2014. The year of 2014 marked the fifth straight year that giving has increased and it also surpassed the previous record of $355.17 billion donated in 2007. With so much money given to charity, it might feel inconsequential to donate a small sum of $5 or $10 when you can, but donations like that are exactly why giving is steadily increasing. People like Shane Bohannon, who donates to the Wounded Warriors Project (WWP) on a regular basis, keep this in mind when they give what they can, when they can.

Shane Bohannon

Donating to a cause is not about putting yourself behind on bills or taking away from your time with family. Instead, it is meant to happen when you can eliminate an unnecessary expense – a trip to the movie theater, for example – and put that money toward a cause that you believe in. If you cannot spare money for a donation, or if you simply don't feel good about donating money, you can donate time or items instead. It's not about how much you donate, it's about helping where you can.

Whether you volunteer for an organization that you support, donate money to a charity you respect or give clothes to the local donation center, you are making a difference in the world.  When you make a difference in the world, and you truly help if and when you can, you will feel good about yourself. Humans have an inherent sense of generosity, and if you encourage your generous nature, you might experience a new-found sense of well-being.

After you make your first donation, you might just see why people like Shane Bohannon are happy to continue making regular donations. Knowing that your dollars, your unused items or your time and effort make a difference in the lives of others is the greatest reward you can find.